It has been a busy week 'round these parts! Among many firsts this week, I hosted a little wedding party at Holiday Hair Studio... It was the hottest day of the year but somehow we still managed to do ok!
I did hair and make-up for a Proud Mother, an Adoring Mother-in-Law, and The BEAUTIFUL Bride! And yes these are quite accurate titles (not just niceties). They were a really sweet trio! The mom was just about the cutest (tiniest) thing I had ever seen, out from New York! The Mother-in-law-to-be, being from the Midwest, Somewhere, I know she said, but I apparently can't be bothered with remembering any place between the two coasts (100 jerk points for me), anyway, she was just ticked with the whole trailer vibe and how whimsical everything was. She was snapping pictures galore!. There was a crazy punk-ish country band blasting out Billy Bragg covers and other great toe tappin' numbers from across the street at the Grill Cheese Grill... I set the ladies up in my shaded little garden with fruit and cheese and Crema treats! They seemed quite comfortable despite the heat, everyone who slithered by melting in the sun commented about how they wished that were their spot (kinda cute). I liked that the ladies just got to sit and chat for a while in forced relaxation before the big event.
The Bride looked really amazing!!! She made my work look easy, because she came in with all the right stuff... Meaning she just is naturally SO PRETTY.
In the end they all looked gorgeous, (if I do say so ma'self!).
And next thing I knew, they were rushing off to make big things happen...
Congratulations to the new couple!