I Know I post on this a lot... AND I am sorry that I am titling this one to appease the Google gods, but what can I say?... I am titling (and writing this) to appease the google gods.
Here is why... I LOVE TO CUT CURLY HAIR! I have said it once and I will say it probably one thousand more times!!!!
This Girl... Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair! Loves to cut curly hair!
Is this starting to seem like The Shining to you? Sorry about that... I am really, truly just trying to get you, my curly haired maiden, into the correct hair chair. Like a trail of bread crumbs, Gretel, my only wish is to lead you home... I do not want you to have to visit some creepy old witch in a candy coated house before you find your way.
Okay, it is for me too, and my love for those which are your bouncy tresses!!!
If you are one to google such things as curly hair cutter in Portland, Portland curl cutter, Portland Oregon curly girl extraordinaire..
Oooor something along the lines of, Curly hair specialist, or Wave tamer, or Best stylist for curly hair, expert curl cutter, curly hair cut master, wave wizard, mermaid maker, Big hair bigwig, Curl boss... You know? If you have curly hair and you need a stylist with the know how to treat your beauties right, then, I hope, my dear, that the google gods send you my way with your waves.
(Wow, that was a bit much)