Wow I can not believe the Holidays are zooming by so quickly! I wanted to give a little shout out because it has been a crazy whirl wind the past few weeks and I miss my little blog connection.
I do not have a ton to say, so I guess I will remind you all that I have adorable little gift certificates that match my damask wall paper... They do Make great gifts for those loved ones that love Holiday!
So there is that, the work part of the post, now on to the play... Although in my job it is usually hard to distinguish one from the other! Which I am NOT complaining about... But rather, that is a good segue into my next topic... Being thankful, and hoping you all had a wonderful yesterday of feasting and families and friendship, and all of that lovely stuff!
If you are a client of mine, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart for making my job so incredibly fantastic. With out you all, I would just be a girl, alone, sitting in a trailer.
Happiness to you all!
(it is OK to have gagged a little while you read that--it was a little saccharine)