First of all, sorry to make you silently freak out at your coffee shop, over these fricken cuties. Trust me though, it had to happen. You will thank me later, when you are at home in your mirror and you find the perfect perch atop your dome for one of these gems.
I will have to admit at first I was a little turned off by these little sweet rolls... That was last year, and I was crazy then... Because through out this past year I have fallen BAD for a high riding bun, like nobodies business... I want one sooooo bad it hurts! A little dramatic? Maybe. But that is how I am with hair...
Goddamn passionate!
I often wonder if it isn't maybe just a pretty face I like... Actually, I take that back, I KNOW I appreciate a pretty face, and when it is accompanied by rad hair? Well, it is not unlikely that I will go gaa-gaa-goo-goo for the whole package.
Here are some uh-mazing top knots... Buns... Twisties... Poofs... Whatever you want to call them I hope you enjoy these hairstyles as much as I do.
Don't you want one now? Don't you want your very own top knot? Perched right up there on top yo' head??? I do... I sure do.